- Episode

- Come out, you sucker!!!
Trash pounded again on the backyard cabins
door with her fist, her frown and her glare
predicting a storm if the door was to stay
closed. From inside the cabin came a violin's
bright and vibrant melody, refusing to stop
despite the furious demands from the outside.
Trash took two paces back, glared at the door
clenching her teeth, as though it was her worst
enemy, drew in a deep breath and shoved a violent
kick at it. The door jarred open, slamming
against the inner wall, a mess of splinters
flying around her. Trash stood at the doorway
without even blinking. The violins melody
went on just like nothing happened, quick and
- If you dont quit
playing, I'm shreading that fucking violin to
fucking pieces she hissed, her fists
clenched tight against her legs.
- Run and Boss came out the house
then through the kitchens door, ready for
their morning jogging by the Park of Peace. The
violin ended up its melody and a dark shape
stepped out from the cabins shadows towards
the light coming in through the bursted door. He
loomed onto Trash with a threatening growl, the
girl glared up at him without hesitation. Run
signaled at Boss and they both stopped half way
to the street and spun around.
Next time you disturb me...
Free the rope.
Slash stared at her in amazement, eyes wide open,
then he started laughing out loud.
Bugger off!! he cried, spinning
around and vanishing again in the cabins
If I don't, youre out of clothes.
Why dont you find yourself a boy to
cool your mood?
Run walked back, reaching the cabin before the
other two noticed him. Slash tried some notes, as
trying to find his melody again, Trash wanted to
step in, but a firm hand on her shoulder kept her
out. She glared up at Run, but he wasnt
even looking at her, his eyes turned to where the
violin was playing again in the dark.
Slash, your laundry was all he said.
He looked down at the girl, held up her eyes for
a moment, went back to Boss in silence. When they
were at the front garden, they heard the slamming
kitchens door as Trash went back in. Run
went on to the street with Boss without looking
back, though he slightly shook his head as he
started trotting. They did several blocks in
silence, coming closer to the neighborhoods
It always surprised Boss that contrast he found
every morning with just crossing a street. No
signs, no visible limits, nothing. An intangible
border. On the other side the city was just the
city, its noises and its overwhelming speed;
buildings, stuffed streets and lanes, no trace of
green but some pots hanging at some balcony. He
only needed to glance back over his shoulder and
there it was, the trees dun shadows
sheltering the silence of the empty streets, the
quiet houses, the unknown neighbors. The very
inertia that leads from one pace to another sunk
them into the city
They always get along like this? he
asked later.
Trash and Slash seemed to be just about to kill
each other all the time for the most stupid
reasons, and sometimes the air was thick to
breath back at the house. Run shook the head
Its Kao.
Boss just nodded. Kao, the boy whose place he had
taken, whod been in a coma for more than a
month by now, just waiting for somebody to turn
off the devices that were keeping him alive.
Trash and Slash visited him almost daily, though
never together. Run used to go to the clinic too,
sometimes with Trash, sometimes by himself, but
never as much as the other two.
If they dont get it soon, were
gonna have troubles.
Get it?
That none of them is to blame for what
Boss looked at Run out of the corner of his eye.
He troted with his back very straight, managing
it easily to speak without running out of breath,
green bright eyes fixed ahead, narrowed to face
the morning sun reaching them from behind the
buildings. His expression was the usual one, with
that messure, now Boss knew it, that was actually
like his very spine. His calm voice hadnt
meant nothing further than the bare meaning of
his words.
They got to the Park, troted around it all four
times, walked into a quiet lane, usually
frequented by yooung couples after sunset. They
flopped themselves onto the grass almost panting.
Sometimes that Park seemed to be pretty larger
than it really was. Boss fell backwards as Run
drank some water.
What time, today? Boss muttered once
he was able to breath again.
Early afternoon.
Bad thing, too many people.
Yeap. Thats why they choose it.
Run turn around to give him water, and then he
saw the man laying on the grass, thirty meters
far from them, reading a book; a blade of grass
between his lips, the dark fringe fell loose upon
his forehead, hidding his eyes. Boss noticed the
tension from Runs body and followed his
look, without finding any explanation at sight.
Run, what...?
But Run wasnt listening to him. He slowly
stood up and moved almost cautiosly towards the
other man, who didnt seem to notice him
till he was at his side. Run stared down at the
gentle face as he came closer, those thin lips,
always wearing that trade mark grin. He felt
himself wrapped up into a memories' twister, that
seemed to erase everything around him when he
stopped by the man, casting his long shadow over
- León? his voice was
but a whisper.
- * * *
- The soccer teams captain
spun around to face the boy, so slender and
blond, who crossed the whole sport ground running
and was now gasping behind him, touching his arm
to stop him, unable to speak out his name. The
captain smiled seeing him, both hands on his
knees, all his long body bent over trying to
breath again.
Whats up? his voice was deep
and gentle, with an affections hint for the
younger boy, who finally straightened up.
Is it true...?he panted.
Captain, is it true... that Im gonna...?
Play in the next championship? the
other finished. Yes, its true.
The boys bright clear eyes were wide open
in amazement, all his face reflecting how those
three words meant to him just a no-stop ticket to
the best paradise he would ever dreamed of. Play
for the schools top team! He would play
with the boy he admired most since he started
high school! And it was no dream! He, the captain
himself, was telling him so!
But... but I... Joel... Joel wont
The older boy smiled gently at him and nodded
towards the changing room. They went along
together, the older boy looking ahead, a grin
still pursing his lips, the younger espying at
him out of the corner of his eye.
Joel wont play just because
hes forgotten how to catch back a ball
without a fault the older one said, with
all his gentleness and authority.
Thats why I want you there instead of him.
Any problem?
No, no! Its just that I... the
blond boys trailed off and he looked down
- He couldnt say he had
dreamed of that moment since the very first time
he saw the captain playing, that he joined the
soccer team just to be a bit closer to him,
hoping he might meet him someday... That day had
come a year ago, when the top teams captain
became the second teams trainer. And since
then, he had done his best to be accepted into
the external competitions team before the
captains graduation, dreaming of wearing
colours at least once.
The changing room was empty. Everybody was
already gone, and only their things remained on
the lockers. The older boy started to undress
right away, the younger one shyly stayed by his
locker, eyes down. The captains warm and
friendly laughter made him look up.
Get to the shower now, before you catch a
cold. If you really wanna play next match...
Yes, sir the boy mumbled, but
didnt move.
The other finished undressing and walked towards
him with a giggle, then he leaned towards the
boy, forcing him to look up again.
What? You're ashamed of me seeing you
naked? he asked, staring into the
boys eyes with his bright black eyes. He
laughed softly again and walked away towards the
- * * *
- The man looked up from the book
narrowing his eyes, unable to see the face before
him against the light. Run crouched in front of
him grining in disbelief.
León... its you...
Who...? the man bolted upright, his
face very close to Runs, who nodded still
grining . Rosschild!
From where he was, Boss saw them holding each
other tight, clapping each others back
before parting.
This is what I call a good meeting
León patted the grass by his side.
Come on, sit down and tell me what you did with
your life and when you got here.
Run sat down without hesitation, though said
nothing, just stared at him smiling. León nodded
with a giggle.
Youve never been good breaking the
ice, huh? Well, Ive been here for the last
six months. Came just to see what was it about
the big city and... well, found a good business
and a good partner, and just stayed here. Enough
to free your tongue?
Run laughed softly, shaking the head. It
seems just like a lie having you in front of me.
I looked for you when you left. I did for more
than a year... he nodded towards Boss,
resting in the sunlight without paying them any
attention. Im with a friend now,
León, and gotta leave soon. But Im not
letting you dissappear again so easily. Give me
your card. Id like to have dinner with you
one of these nights.
León opened his wallet with a grin.
Asking me for a date, Rosschild?
Run took his card gaving him back his grin.
Yeah, I wanna know your house and meet
your mate. Think you owe me that at least.
León shook the head laughing. Okay, call
me in a few days so we fix it for next week. And
you could bring somebody along. Dinners for three
are not among my favourites... he glanced
up at Run, laughed again. Rosschild! Never
even a girl for a dinner?
Run stood up bearing the mockery with another
grin. Looked down at him for one last time.
Im calling you in three days. And
even if this number is a fake, Ill find you
León held up his look without a blink. I
never cheated on you, Rosschild. Thought you knew
that. Ill be waiting.
- * * *
- A red roses bunch. With
ferns and tiny white flowers. A big ribbon
matching the roses. A white salutation card with
nothing written on it. Trash stared at the bunch
laying on her lap as the taxi driver maganed it
to help crashing onto a bus. She was still
wondering what had taken her to buy them.
Kaos birthday, of course. She bought them
for him. But why flowers. Why roses. Why red. And
why that salutation card when there was nothing
to write on it.
The taxi crossed the clinics parking lot
heading for the side entrance. Trash recognized
the black van parked just by the lots exit.
So he had come, too. So that was why Slash had
locked himself up to played his goddamn violin so
early in the morning, going out later without a
word, before Run and Boss got back... He
remembered the date too.
She chose to smoke a cigarette by the entrance,
somehow expecting Slash to come out before she
went in. She didnt want to meet him at
Kaos room. She didnt want to face him
again with Kao laying between them. Once was more
than enough.
Now you should be glad. Did what you
wanted as ever. Told you to stay together.
Trash squeezed her eyes shut and squashed her
cigarette with that nights impotent rage.
Didnt you see those three bastards
on your screen? Why didnt you fucking warn
us? We couldnt guess!
She almost crushed onto a nurse when she crossed
the gate. She avoided her without a look, her
hands tightly grasping the roses bunch. Some
thorns got through the fancy paper. Feeling the
pinpricks, she just could grasp it tighter. Slash
hadnt come down when she got to the
fifteenth floor.
- The hallway was as empty as ever.
People at that section must have been ghosts. She
walked it along feeling her footsteps sounded all
over the building. But soon she knew it
wasnt true: a rumour got to her just a step
before Kaos door. She barely heard it, but
it was enough to stop her. The sound, brief,
soft, became a chill running down her spine. The
door was slightly ajar, and Trash saw the shadow
casting over the side wall almost up to the door
jamb. Slash. Standing by the bed, both hands
laying on it, his head bent forward, sunk between
the shoulders, shaking with another low sound.
Trash stuck her back to the wall, didnt
wanting him to notice her there. But the bunch
paper rustled when she unwillingly squeezed it.
She cursed under her breath. Then she heard
another rumour, different from the others, four
fast firm strides and the door was open. Slash
was wearing his sunglasses, but they didnt
stop the fierce glare he gave her when coming
out. He stalked away towards the elevator and
waited for the door to close in between them
without turning around. Trash stepped into the
room lowering the head.
She kissed Kaos cheek in a casual way, as
though the youth could answer her. When she put
the flowers into the vase, she saw the book by
the phone on the side table. She hesitated before
taking it. Pocket edition, white cover. The blond
boy with his long blue and red coat and his
sword. She left it exactly where it was as tough
it had burnt her hand, already scratched by the
roses thorns. She sat by Kao where she used
to, at the headboard, turning her back to the
window. The very same spot where Slash had just
been. She held the pale, cold hand.
Happy birthday, Kao she whispered
closing her eyes, fighting her squeezed
throat. You know... he didnt mean to
ruin your poster when we were painting your room
after you... Before Boss arrived... If he was the
very first namig you Little Prince...
- * * *
- Sometimes it was hard to get used
to it. Living together could be a little...
complicated. And there was no way at hand to ease
it. Only time. Let it go by, learn to live that
way and with that people... trash, slash, run.
The last names you were to choose for the people
he had to live with and work... at that job...
At the next wagon, back against a seat, he could
see Trash. Just a body rocking at the same rythm
of the handles hanging over her head, the cold
eyes fixed straight ahead, looking but not
seeing. Boss could feel Slashs breathing
into his ear. Now he was whispering some data for
Run, three wagons ahead. The subway stopped at
the third station. Two cops passed by, walking
the line from the rear. Doors were
opening.Several teens got off, their books and
their clothes speaking out loud they
shouldnt be there at that time, but at
school. Two young men in suites got in and found
a free spot a few steps from him. Boss muttered
the news to his jackets raised lapel, where
the mic was hidden. The only answer he got was a
short mocking giggle from Slash.
You still sound like a cop.
Boss chose not to answer. It wasnt a good
moment to argue with the leather lapel. He looked
ahead again, finding Trashs eyes staring at
him. He managed it to held them up, even though
all he actually wanted then and there was looking
away at any place where he didnt need to
face her. Soon she turned to stare ahead again,
beyond his wagon.
There were times when he could find any excuse
just to avoid facing her or talking to her. The
girl could make him really nervious with that
trade mark glare, that hard voice shooting
monosyllabic answers and those icy knife-like
eyes. He also felt lucky he had eventually got
used to her complete lack of shame, mostly in the
mornings, when he met her at the hallway on their
own ways to the bathroom and back, always in
opposite directions, she only wearing her big
grey t-shirt, he invariably in boxers. Anyway,
there were always mornings when it was a bit
harder to see her just like "one of the
guys", and at that moments Boss used to
wonder if Slash and Run had ever noticed what
pretty legs she had, or how atractive or even
beautiful her face would be if she just got wrong
and smiled. However, a single glance from her
could wash away even the desire of fantasying.
Which was good in the end, for it made it easier
to share roof.
- * * *
- Run saw the cops walk by and
ignored them with the same bored face he adopted
when they got into the subway. Bad thing, those
cops there. But it was understandable, with such
a crowd of burglars earning their livings in
subways at that hour. He was just hoping they
werent to become a trouble, with that sharp
sense theyd got to be a pain in the ass
instead of being useful. Bad thing, so much risk
for so little. Since they sneaked into
Garcías house, they had been forced to
leave alone the ilegal gambling runners for whom
the man was keeping the books until he met
Runs knife. And now they just had to let
the waters calm down again. Big fishes could not
be caught one just after the other without having
upon your head all that remained alive. And in
the meantime, Rover decided the best they could
do was intercepting soft drugs dealers. That
meant working often in broad daylight, or in
public places, just like now, chasing poor
bastards that barely earned enough for
cigarettes. Almost the last link before the drug
got onto the street. Just a flea on a
shepherds back, that would never notice if
there was one missing. But something was
something, let alone they werent on any
holyday. Rover assured that days target
could turn out being someone at a bit higher
position on the distribution chain. That was why
they had to do it despite the hour, the place,
the thousands of unaware eyes. And they
hadnt choice. In the end they were just
paid workers.
Behind his bored mask, the green eyes sparkled,
turning bare again at once. León was right: a
very good meeting. Almost ten years later and
just by chance. But theyve met again and
that was all that mattered. Maybe now, so much
time later, they could finally talk about what
happened. Maybe León would explain him why he
dissappeared leaving no traces and had never got
in touch with any boy from the team he trained
for three years. Not even with him...
- * * *
- The subway got to another station.
One of the businessmen near Boss, the one
concerned about showing all the time his dreadful
necklace, said goodbye to the other and got off.
Boss saw him walk along the platform and get lost
in the crowd heading for the exit. As the subway
left the platform, the fore wagons door was
opened by a pedlar, the cops came right behind
him. The pedlar looked like fifty, though he
couldnt be more than forty. He wore a
shabby chekered shirt and old blue jeans.
Everything about him shouted out loud about the
raging erosion of a hard streets life,
chasing each coin, counting them every night to
get a cheap wine, cursing every morning his
damned life. He was selling diaries, that he
started delivering to the passengers before
standing at the other door, facing them, to start
his chant with a creaky voice that really matched
its owner.
- Boss traded a look with Trash,
checking she heard those two words from Slash. So
its the pedlar... He noticed one of
the cops staring at him and looked away at the
tunnels lights, blurring arrows leaving a
sparkling trace behind his eyes. The cops crossed
along toTrashs wagon, the last one. The
business man in front of Boss accepted the diary.
The cops walked back forward.
Shit Slash grunted.
Theyre really boring.
Boss faced the cops with a casual look. Saw out
of the corner of his eye the businessman keeping
the diary. The pedlar looked down at him a moment
longer before giving another diary to a girl with
a childish face and long hair, too blond at the
ends, too dark at her crown. When did he pay
for it?, he wondered. That kind of guy
is the last to purchase that crappy notebook.
Little Prince is next, that leaves us just
one more. We better get something.
Boss saw again in his mind the huge painting with
the Saint-Exuperys character at the
platform they were about to get. He wondered if
it had been just his imagination or Slashs
voice actually hesitated when he named the
station. The businessman headed for the door Boss
was standing by. He hissed two words to the mic.
Then a look from Trash made him spun around. And
there they were, the cops again, just standing a
few steps behind him. Shit, was all he
could think seeing them. Trash was no longer
looking at him. She was to take care of the
pedlar and was aware about the businessman, just
like Run. The problem was those two idiots
wearing blue. Boss knew they couldnt risk
to kill them by chance. That should bejust like
stating open war and they couldnt afford
such a thing.
He stood by the doors, being encircled by a dozen
passengers ready to get off, hidding him down
from his shoulders from the cops eyes. So
he was able to reload his 9 mm with small
paralyzing darts to stop the cops later on. After
that he checked out his 22 inside his other
pocket. He pretended to struggle against the
huddling people just in time to see Run getting
to the next wagon. He was to follow the
businessman, Trash the pedlar, and the cops were
all for Boss.
Just in case you wanna chat with your old
folks came Slashs sneer, pretty more
taunting than usual that afternoon.
The subway was now stopping at the station, the
blond rounded head raising from the wall above
the many others huddling at the platform, hidding
the whole body but the shoulders, with the stars
and the blue and read coat. Boss noticed then the
pedlar was about to get off, just like the cops.
Slashs opinion when he told him was a
little dirtier and longer than it needed to be.
Boss got off right behind the cops, both guns
ready inside his pockets. Saw Run coming from the
other wagon and sneaking among people just two
steps behind the business man, and then he
noticed the cops seemed to hurry to get closer to
them as they headed for the last exit at one end
of the platform.
Trash!! What the fucking hell are you
Boss took a fleeting glance at the subway, still
swallowing and spitting people. Instead of going
after the pedlar, Trash crossed to the wagon
where Boss'd been. She didnt bother to
answer Slashs furious question. But Boss
forgot everything about her when he saw the cops
speeding their pace to reach Run, one from each
side, their right hands at the guns in their
waists. He cursed the cops, cursed the crowd
stuffing the station, gave Run a warning word as
he pulled the guns out from his pockets.
At the very moment both cops guns pointed
at Runs back, Boss shot them and the cops
flopped down to the floor as bags full of stones.
The platform echoed with screams, the businessman
crouched and ran to the exit at the first
gunshot, but Run jumped over him and knocked him
down. The 9 mm against the mans temple
working better than made any verbal threat.
Boss, the pedlar!
Trashs metallic voice made him spun around
at once. The guy ran by his side with a hand
inside his bag. He pulled a gun out of it and
started shooting backwards. People still on their
feet throw themselves down to the floor, as Boss
ran after the pedlar taking shelter behind a
pillar. Two blue tiles bursted out just by his
head. The guy was shooting to kill. Boss
didnt hesitate. Knowing the 22 could only
stop him, he jumped out from behind the pillar
and aimed at the guys legs. A bullet
whistled very close to his head at the same time,
coming from behind him, and the pedlar fell back
down with a hoarse cry. Boss spun on his heels to
see Run standing straight, the businessman still
shakily curled up between his legs, the right arm
spread ahead gripping the 9 mm.
Hes clean Boss heard him say
on the earphone, his voice calm and in control as
usual, as he walked away from the businessman.
Subways doors snorted before closing. Many
people that had just got off had jumped back in
with the shooting. Then Boss realized all of a
sudden what Trash had surely guessed before.
The girl! he cried, running to the
closest door.
He barely slid into the wagon when the subway
started to move again. He was some wagons far
from where he last saw Trash. Where the heck was
she now? Out of the corner of his eye he saw Run
stridding upstairs to the exit. He ran to the
rear wagons as he reloaded the 9 mm, people
spreading apart from him as soon as they saw the
gun. It was then he heard to gunshots. Trash!
People came running from the last wagons, and
there were a few screams and hysterical cries.
Slash called out her too, but he didnt got
any answer either.
Boss froze right where he was, on the tiny steal
bridge quaking between the wagons. Trash was
still grasping her 365 pointing down, the other
hand pressing the right arm above the elbow, from
where the blood dripped over the leather sleeve.
There was no trace of physical pain in her face.
Her cold blue eyes stared fixedly at the girl
fallen at her feet, the open diary by her side
and several plastic envelopes full of alkaloids
that were slowly turning red.
- Sayaki 3/2k
- ^^ Another
big THANKS to my brother Kuroi for his huge help,
cos in this case, he figured out all the subway
stuff!! THANKS, BRO!! What would I do without