- Episode

- Boss went back to the dinning room
just in time to see Rover giving Slash a cd. As
though it was some kind of signal, Run lowered
the ovens fire and sat at the couch right
in front of the tv; Trash put her gun aside and
she also faced the still dark screen; Slash
inserted the cd into the laptop and turned around
on his chair as the tv screen showed an air view
from a private neighborhood. Boss stood behind
Runs couch.
The Hill Rover said,
standing halfway between Slash and the tv.
Strafford García lives at the house 3.
Slash used the zoom to center the
picture on a rich three-floor house, surrounded
by a five acres lot. There was a pool at the back
garden, and the wired fence could be seen among
the trees bordering the lot.
Doesnt trust the
neighborhoods security Slash
Run nodded and turned to
Four, six hours
shifts. The Hills lot has another ten, set
in cabins around the perimeter.
- Isolated Trash
muttered, thinking aloud.
The houses picture was
replaced by separated diagrams of each
- Garcías office is at
the first floor Rover pointed out the room
at the rear left corner of the house. The
safe is there, with the disks we need.
Hum Slash lighted a
cigarette. And between those disks and us,
there are two closed tv circuits, two infrared
systems, maybe three, one armed guard outside and
another four inside... Pretty bait if that data
isnt there... And itd been a two
fucking wasted months work after him.
Boss noticed Trashs harsh
glare, unspoken words violently floating in the
air. But Slash was turning his back at her now,
searching for something in his laptop. Runs
deep and calm voice washed away the strain.
Wife, three kids from five
to twelve, four full time domestics.
Doesnt miss a hit
Slash grunted.
Rover waited for them to turn to
Youll find the rest
on the disk. Don't need to tell you we're in
kindda hurry, for we can't prove they're using
the Cartel's money without that data. So,
Run gave the screen one last
glance. Two days.
Rover just nodded, and they knew
the meeting was over. Slash stood up with a sharp
I walk you out. Gonna need
some beer since its gonna be a long
And some fucking woo with
the shop girl.
Slash didnt bother
dignifying Trashs biting words and headed
for the door with Rover. Run sniffed towards the
kitchen. Ten minutes for dinner.
The other man snarled something
and went out. Then Run turned to Trash, who was
lighting a cigarette.
You didnt have to say
that his voice was cold, not harsh.
Trash glared up at him.
Wasted time! she bursted. Kao is
dying because of that mother fucker! And this
fucking sucker talks about wasted time!
Boss heard her surprised. So that
was the "trouble" that made Rover call
him... Run held up her look without a blink, the
girls rage was a wave crashing onto a stone
cliff. He stood up and went back to the
You better cool down
he said later.
Trash looked away snorting.
Boss, Rover said
youre good at explosives, does it mean
chemicals too?
Run put some plates on the
counter. Trash wasnt that kind of people
you willingly turn your back to, but Boss chose
to join Run by the counter.
That safe. We gonna need
something fast and silent to open it.
The hallways door slamed
shut behind Boss, who tried to look as
indifferent as Run. He had more than four
questions in mind, but it was cristal clear it
wasn't the best moment to ask them.
I can fix something. Acid,
I think itd be the best, but if I could
know anything about the safe, it would
Thickness and
Enough for me.
Withou even thinking, Boss took
the plates and glases and placed them on the
rounded table. When he faced Run again, saw a
surprised glimpse in his green eyes, but he
handed Boss also knives and forks with a fleeting
We have turns to clean and
cook he said later. Save each
ones clothes and room.
Slash came back then, stalking
across the room to leave the bottles in the
freezer. Boss was about to remove the laptop from
the table, Slashs hands reached it first.
Boss stepped back gently, letting him take care
of it. Run left the smoky dish on the table and
opened the hallways door. A heavy
musics avalanch filled the room.
Dinners ready
he said without raising his tone, closed
back the door and sat at the table by Slash, who
was already eating.
Boss hesitated at the two empty
chairs and looked up, finding Runs grin as
he pointed the other chair by Slash. They ate in
silence for several minutes before Trash entered
the room and sat between Boss and Run without
looking at them. She was only wearing a loose
t-shirt that hardly covered her underwear, bare
feet; her wet mops dripped water onto her
Were going to The
Hill Run said then. Tomorrow
Tomorrow afternoon Im
going to the clinic Trash said, her mouth
full of food.
Slash glanced over at her and
turned again to his own plate without a word. Run
nodded, leaving her out of the planning.
Dont need to get too
close, but we better go on broad daylight. Slash,
Boss is gonna need some data
about the safe, did you finish
that device?
Im working on it, we
could test it tomorrow.
Tomorrow it must be
Slash just shruged. Then I
cant deal with the rest of the stuff.
Run turned to Trash. The girl
looked at him as she chewed, gave a fleeting
glance to Boss, nodded.
- * * *
- He opened up his eyes in a rush.
The slanting morning light filled the room. Some
Mozarts piece was sounding very loud
somewhere near, seeming to sneak up his body to
shake every of his nerves. Boss sat on his bed.
From the wall in front of him, his own relfection
in the mirror was staring at him with wide open
eyes, the hair a complete mess, gasping more than
breathing. The clock on the night table told him
it was half past seven. He looked around as his
mind took hold of the situation. Through the
music, behind the wall, he heard noises at the
next bedroom, steps at the hallway, a door
opening an closing again, a voice saying good
morning... Run... He fell back on the
matress with a deep sigh.
- * * *
- Trash got out of the van at the
clinics corner. Heard the horn behind her,
raised a hand without turning back, walking fast
towards the glassed lobby. The van drove away and
got lost in the avenues chaotic traffic.
Reaching the West Access should take them half an
hour at least, and anohter twenty minutes to get
to The Hill.
The clinics reception lobby
was kind of luxurious, it recalled more of a
wealthy company rather than a health institution.
She stopped at the security agent by the vip
elevator, gave him her name, waited for him to
check it and let her in. Fifteenth floors
hallway was empty, bright, clean. No trace of
that antiseptic stinky air you should find at the
lower floors. The old man should be wasting a
fortune for each day Kao spent in there, single
room, vip section, restricted visitors list . But
Trash thought it just fair, since it'd been
working for him what sent Kao there.
She opened the door noiselessly,
as though she could wake him up. But she knew
damn well it wouldnt happen. Kaos
coma was irreversible, and all that stuff around
him was only delaying his true death. She stepped
closer to the bed and stared for a long while at
the pale thin face of who had been her partner
for the last year. The bandage around his head
was clean, no traces of blood, and some dark mops
fell upon it. Seeing him like that just fed a
raging impotence that burnt deep within her
chest. Shouldnt they parted. Shouldnt
that jerk came in her way. Should she got to him
in time. Should...
The girl shook the head, clenched
teeth. Pictures were fixed behind her eyes,
carved in blood and fire. She drew in a deep
breath and took a chair, sitting by the bed and
holding in hers one lifeless, barely warm
Hes gonna pay for
this she hissed. I swear you for my
mums sake tonight hes gonna pay. You
aint gonna leave all alone.
- * * *
- The living couch offered a
complete catalogue of sofisticated guns. Trash
was moving around them, checking they were all
loaded, with available spare ammo. Slashs
fingers were tipying at a hell-like speed on his
laptop keyboard, frowning, totally unaware of
what surrounded him. By the kintchens
counter, Run had all his attention focused on
Boss explanations. The youth had fixed in
just a while a simple device that promised to be
effective, and now he was teaching Run to use
Look, inside the thiner
tube youve got the clorhidric acid, the
nitric in the other. To make it safe to carry it,
you gonna mix them right there. Pressing the
button you turn down the device, then youll
see an orange gas; its toxic, thats
why you need the mask. Mix just a little and when
the tube gets hot, you press the other button to
let the water pour. Careful, for its gonna
be like boiling oil, you let it pour on the lock
till you run out of liquid, to make sure of
burning the inner mechanism. Then you should be
able to force the safes door open. If you
cant, it means its acid
Run nodded rolling in his hand the
small device. Boss handed him what looked like a
pocket lantern.
- If acid doesnt work,
then use this. Its an oxigen welder, it
works even under water. Look, inside youve
got two tubes too, one for the oxigen, another
for ethyn. Do you smell something like garlic?
Thats the ethyn. Turn it on pressing the
button, it opens the valves and makes an electric
spark, just like an ordinary lighter. Everything
happens inside this capsule, for its built
water proof. When you turn it on, the capsule
burst off and you slide the flame carefully all
over the edge, since you must cut the locks on
three sides of the safes door. Slashs
gotta take care of the safe alarm.
This is gonna be fuking
hard Slash muttered then, and stared up at
The safes
Huh? No, thats piece
of cake, Ill crack it even before
youre in. But the inner system is a pretty
other thing. I dont think I can hack it
even for ten minutes.
The other three came closer and he
showed them at his screen a square diagram
crossed for at least two dozen of lines. With a
key he showed it in a 3d projection, the lines
conforming now an intrincate net.
The rays web. No way to get
through it. If those disks arent there,
then theyre keeping something even more
important in there. I've found out how to hack
the system, but who made it was a fucking
genious: within six minutes as much the system
will track me and its gonna be a fucking
mess out there he turned to look at Run,
who was thoughtfully listening to him. Our
safety margin is four minutes, four and a half as
Run took a moment to weight his
words, then raised the eyebrows.
Weve got not many
options he turned to Boss. You think
those will work in such a short time?
You may need to use them
Run faced Slash again slightly
shrugging, then checked out his watch.
Half past midnight.
Were out at one oclock.
- * * *
- The black van was hidden beneath
some trees shadows, fifty meters afar from
The Hills rear border. At the back side,
Slash leant over the keyboard, an unlighted
cigarette between his lips, slightly grining, his
eyes reflecting the four screens light
despite the caps peak that should protect
them. In one of the upper screens, three red dots
were moving towards the fence that bordered The
Hills lot. He stopped tipyng and looked up
at the left screen: he had already blocked the
infrared eyes and hacked the closed circuit
system, correcting two cameras' positions. He
grined wider.
Free way, boys. Seven
minutes from now on.
His voice reached the others
through the tiny earphones. Then Run, Trash and
Boss ran up to that two meters corridor Slash had
just blinded to the cameras. They were wearing
all in black, high-collar tops, gloves, Run also
had a cap to hide his light hair and a mask
hanging onto his chest to use with the acids.
They carried long range automatic guns, a knife
and a 9mm each. They stopped by the fence and set
by their mouths the thin earphones mics,
that also worked as a tracker for Slash. Run
climbed the fence without hesitation, jumping to
the other side. Trash and Boss followed him. They
hid behind some bushes.
In Run
Slash activated the neighborhood
diagram and guided them near to Strafford
Garcías house avoiding the light zones.
Meanwhile, he restored the cameras position
and quit that system.
I see the house Run
said spying through the trees.
Two minutes to hack the
outer infrared Slash replied, typing at
full speed again.
Run turned to Trash and Boss with
a nodd. They nodded back and walked away together
towards the lots front side, while Run
sneaked right in front of the offices
window. When they saw the front gate, Boss left
Trash and ran up to the first curve of the road
that lead from the house to the
neighborhoods entrance. There he left a
tiny device, hidden in the grass, and went back
to the girl.
Twenty seconds Slash
said into their ears.
Trash traded a look with him and
crossed the access road, taking position at the
other side of the gate.
Three... two... one...
At Slashs voice, the three
of them climbed the inner fence and got into the
houses lot. Trash and Boss threw themselves
flat among the bushes by the lane, Run sneaked to
stick to the side wall of the house, painted in a
bright white that clearly outlined his dark
One minute to hack the
inner infrared.
Run was already climbing towards
the closest offices window. Soon he was
ready to cut out the glass, a clean circle enough
for his hand to get in and open the window at
Slashs signal. At the other corner of the
lot, Boss turned on a small remote control. One
of the four bodyguards was walking to and fro ten
meters far from them, smoking, carelessly
carrying an Usi, both his hands away from the
trigger; Trash was ready to shoot him at any sign
that he had noticed their presence.
Five... Slash
said four...
Boss activated the bait he'd left
at the roads curve. A malfunctioning
engine's noise came from there.
Three... two...
The guard turned the head towards
the gate.
One... Now! Four Minutes!
Slash said, moving his hands off the
Just a few seconds later the
screen showed him Run getting into the office and
stopping by the safe. At the same time, the noise
grew louder at the gates road, seemed to
get closer and ended up with a brief burst. The
guard quickly headed for the gate, another armed
guy showed up at the left side of the garden and
went towards him.
What the fuck...? the
first one snarled, stepping by Boss and
Trashs hiding.
Must be the 5s old
man the other said, joining him.
This late? Hes
sleeping by nine!
They went together up to the gate
and looked out from above it. The one comming
from the side garden shrugged.
Its him, with that
old ruin of a car hes got he walked
back towards the house. Whatever, man.
Lets go inside to drink something. That
fucking grass you gave is burning up my
They went away and dissappeared in
the left garden, surely towards the
kitchens door. Trash informed their move.
Slash confirmed it.
Three inside. The fourth is
at the backyard, passing the pool. Thirty meters
far from the house.
Im watching the
kitchen Trash said. Boss, take the
Boss looked up across the lane,
finding Trashs cold clear eyes by instinct.
She stared at him for a moment, then vanished in
the dark.
Youve got free way,
Boss Slash told him.
Boss rounded the house by the
left, heading for the back garden. Passed by the
rope hanging from the offices window,
forced himself not to look up. The only thing
that should take them all alive out from there
was keeping focused on each ones roles. He
hid behind some trees ten meters passing the
pool. The fourth guard was right in front of him,
walking in a twenty steps circle, head down, lost
into his own thoughts.
One minute and a half
Slash warned.
Were meeting by the
office in two minutes as much Trash
The next minute seemed to be
endless to Boss. But when he was about to
retreat, heard a low growl on the earphone.
Shit! Someones got
into the office! Slash gasped.
Through Runs open channel,
the others heard a suffocated mumble, low
fighting rumors, then silence. Boss stiffed
feeling a chill. It hadnt last more than
ten seconds.
Run? Boss recognized
an urgence echo in Trashs voice.
Gather and come back
Slash ordered. Forty seconds for the
inner system to be up again. And it may be
Boss retreated in a hurry up to
the tree in front of the offices window.
Trash joined him a moment later. They looked at
each other and turned to look with concern at the
upper window. They couldnt see any sign of
movements in there. The girl turned her back to
the house.
His signs been steady
for the last minute inside the office. Im
hacking the outer ray in thirty seconds.
Boss faced Trash in disbelief.
I still can climb and take a look...
Youre not going
anywhere Trash snarled, her eyes scanning
the front garden for any sign of the
Twenty seconds, you better
move your asses Slash grunted.
Lets go.
Im not leaving till I
check out whether Run is dead or alive.
When he said the last word, he
already had the cold mouth of Trashs gun
silencer under his jaw. She removed the lock and
glared at him, their faces very close to each
Comming by your own will or
with your feet ahead? she hissed through
clenched teeth.
Five seconds, get the fuck
Trash retreated towards the fence,
Boss following her three steps behind, still
trying to put himself together again.
They climbed and jumped out of the
lot, then ran again to the outer fence. The three
of them kept silent, but all they got through the
earphones was more silence.
Ready Slash
Just a minute later, Trash and
Boss got into the back side of the van still
gasping. Slash turned around in his chair, found
the girls bright eyes, pointed out the
trackers screen, where Runs red dot
was still steady in the middle of the office. The
heat tracker focused on that room showed nothing
alive in there. Trash turned to Boss, speaking as
she checked her arms were loaded.
I need a granades
Whoever entered wasnt
a guard, and nobody came out.
Trash refused to face Slash, just
nodded at his words. How many time
Five minutes. More than
Boss handed her the delayer. She
took it avoiding any eye contact and jumped out
the van, quickly vanishing in the dark. He turned
to Slash with a questioning look.
When youre in a team,
you work as a team came the bitter answer,
as Slash turned again to his screens. Get
ready to go back out if you need to, then turn on
the engine.
Boss accepted the accusation
without a word and did as the other said. It was
his first assignment with them, and he still had
lots of things to learn about how they used to
Holly shit! Slash
growled then. Youre done, baby, the
inner system blocked me out.
The answer was a panting snarl:
Dont give a shit.
For Boss amazement, Slash
laughed trully funny.
All yours, baby he
glanced at Boss from above his shoulder.
Drive out of here and down this street up to the
first corner, then turn right.
- * * *
- Trash stopped before the
houses fence trying to breath again; her
heart was pounding, but not out of physical
effort. Telling again to herself that Run was too
good to let them catch him. Then she heard the
racket and yells from the backyard. Howls,
strides, two gunshots. She ran to the front gate
as she carefully placed the delayer on a hand
granade, turned it on and left the granade by the
gate. Then she retreated quickly. More gunshots
sounded from the backyard, the fences spots
enlighted the lot as though broad day.
It was then that she saw the tall
black figure running towards the fence, trying to
take cover behind the trees, shooting back now
and then to the men after him, who shot their
automatic guns without even aiming at their
target. Trash stopped right there and opened fire
from where she was, forcing the guards to leave
their chasing. The granade exploded at the same
time Run jumped over the fence, falling among the
bushes.Forgetting all about the guards, Trash ran
to him and leaned at his side. Run looked up at
her, his face covered with dirt and sweat,
stained in blood too. He grined pressing his left
arm against his side.
Its allright. A
bullet scraped a rib, thats all he
was out of breath, but his voice remained
Trash shook the head frowning,
though the glimpse in her eyes spoke about
relief. Behind them, Strafford Garcías
house was a chaos of screams and light, still
some shot to the wrong shadow. The nearest house
was waking up too.
Straight ahead, lucky
idiots Slash told them then.
Ive found a pretty cabin here, pay me a
Run let Trash help him to
straighten up and got away towards the outer
fence always hidding among the trees. Soon they
saw the cabin. In there, a man in a grey uniform
cringed in his chair, both hands up, pale and
sweaty. Slash was on the doorway. One hand in his
pocket, the cigarette at last lit in his mouth,
the other hand pointing at the man with a 365.
Behind him, on the street, Boss was waiting
behind the vans wheel. Seeing them coming,
Slash sneered at them and nodded towards the
Hurry up, this friend here
wanna go on sleeping.
Run and Trash headed for the door
without giving the man a single glance.
Gosh! You two stink!
Slash snorted. You can take my bath
turn tonight! he grined at the man.
Good night, my friend, sorry for waking you
up he said, and followed the others with no
- * * *
- Ten minutes later Boss was driving
the van to the West Access highway, his thoughts
had taken his mind far from there. At his right,
Slash had turned the radio on and was singing too
aloud every single song they played. At the back
side, Run finished curing and bandagging his
bruise under Trashs fixed observation. She
was sitting by him, holding a clean t-shirt for
him to wear.
Who was it? she asked
in a whisper.
García Run whispered
too. Looking for his smokes, I think. I
drop the earphone during our struggle and didn't
have a chance to get it back.
Run faced her with a fleeting
I lost the knife you gave
me... But Kao wont leave alone
- Sayaki - 3/2k
* Thanks to my brother
Kuroi, for helping me with that acids stuff,
despite all his support!!!